Tuesday, March 18, 2003

I went and jinxed myself with my last entry. I'm totally sick now, and it's just as much nonfun as I remember it being. [rolleyes]

Anywhat, PMQ time.

March is said to come in like a lion, and go out like a lamb. How's the weather where you're at?
Rainy. And kinda cold. But I'm sick, so even if the weather was beautiful (and it was two days ago [eyebrow]), I'd hate it.
Lousy Smarch weather.

Who is someone famous that you share birthdays with?
Boy George
Donald Trump
Steffi Graf


Have you ever been in a car accident?
Nothing more severe than (kinda harsh) fender benders, but yes.

Have you ever been in the newspaper?
Yeah. And I even worked in one for a while!

"How smart are you? How dumb am I?"
("I Will Dare" by the Replacements)

Beware the Ides of March.
Beware the Ideas of March, is more like it.

I like mowing the lawn. And washing the dishes. Ooh! And vacuuming! What chores do you secretly enjoy doing?
I totally forgot my answer for this. Oh well.

So, are we like, ever gonna go to war, or what?
Yeah, yeah. I'll get to working on WD Risk when I feel better, okay? Sheesh.

What's your favorite soup?
Or Chicken Noodle.
Or minestrone.

and finally...

March is going to go out like a lamb. What animal would you like to go out as?
A dinosaur. Slowly, and over 65 million years ago.
Or, um, like a dinosaur - killed by an asteroid.
What? I'm sick. Give me a break.

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