Tuesday, February 18, 2003


Who is someone that you do not know very well, but you consistently read their posts?
From the "gone but not forgotten" file: Fishboot, Lucretia, AlyKat, morgan, Hi there
From the "still there, but I'm a chicken shit who has nothing of interest to bring to the conversation so I don't bother getting to know them, even though they seem totally cool" file: Zeus, Zer0Signal, Coiled Soul, cub, racharoni (from the limited exposure I've had to her posts, she's really nifty), imissoz, Scooter, Jim_Classe, jessemock (love/hate thing with this person, actually), Sandy_Claws (probably the most interesting poster on the board), Valerie, Rob, Nos402/Fuchsia, mUrt, and most likely a hundred other folks. It's really pathetic how little I know about these people I consider friends.

WD Risk is in the planning stages. It's gonna be really really fun. Would you be willing to play?
[sigh] Assuming I still make the game, I won't have much choice, will I? [doh2]
When I originally wrote this question, I was totally into the idea of playing this. I still might, but right now...I dunno. Seems like a lot of work. And that it might end up being like the real game of Risk, wherein it takes far too long to complete. I don't think people will have the patience to play the game to completion. We'll see.

In America, February is one of the month of "sweeps" (where advertisers look critically at the ratings of programs. Therefore, many 'ratings stunts' are pulled during February. [and November and May, the other two months]). What should Buffy and/or Angel do for a ratings gimmick?
Hmmm. How's about cloning Buffy?
Or turning Angel into a lobster?
Or ...this.

"What do we do when our shirt is all covered with mustard?"
We get the mustard oouuutt!!
Most folks got that.
("We gotta be clean" by Guster)

I've grown a beard during the past month. What's something you've done to alter your appearance recently?
You know those Groucho glasses? I wear those all the time.

Suppose you were going to send me an ice sculpture. What would it be in the shape of? (remember to keep shipping and Las Vegas temparature's in mind)
A lot of these questions don't really apply to me, now do they?

If I were to make you a CD, what song should I have it begin with to capture your interest?
Like I'd ever listen to anything you sent me, you stupid bastard.

Link me to something funny. (bonus points if it's something I've not seen before)
Figured I'd simply link to the links that were provided for me. [grin]

Loki (warning: Surreal as hell)
Truman (and another one by Truman)
talula sent me two links.


What flavor of Kool-Aid best represents you?
Jim Jones.
or one of those kind that changes colors. Like the one that looks green, but tastes like cherry. [up]

Apparently, buying drugs supports terrorism. Driving SUVs supports terrorism. What else supports terrorism?
Training bras?

Whose 15 minutes of fame are over, but they are still trying to squeeze another few minutes in?
George W. Bush
(um...I might've switched my last two answers)

What's the best (or worst, your choice) pick up line?
Best: "So, what kind of writing do you do?" (hehehe)
Worst: "Wanna fuck?"

What's the best (or worst, your choice) way to say I love you?
Best: "So, wanna fuck?"
Worst: "So, wanna fuck...my friend?"

What's the best (or worst, your choice) way to break up with someone?
"Can you hear me now?" (cell phone humor. Classic)

and finally....

How many PMs do you have in your inbox?

It's been a rough month.

Time for Smallville!!

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