Friday, June 30, 2023

June's 1 sec every day

 dang, yo. Halfway thru the year.

Here's what we're seeing...

1 - Walking in the neighborhood in the morning. 

2 - It was a Forever Home Friday, and this was the dog who came to visit. I don't remember the dog's name. :(

3 - This Target recently went thru an upgrade, and it looks a lot different from the time before that I had been there.

4 - some desserts brought to us by Steph's brother, Brett.

5 - June's weather was weird. It was super windy at the time, so I was just filming the flags outside the library.

6 - Turtle peep, doing her thang.

7 - Made a quick run to the grocery store.

8 - Walking Ori.

9 - the US Open was on, interrupting regular programming that day.

10 - the song of the day that day.


12 - Silas still makes some pretty great levels on Mario Maker 2.

13 - yup.

14 - we went to Mt. Charleston for my birthday. (We didn't stay long because it was cold. As I said, June's weather was just weird.)

15 - walking at night.

16 - it rained a LOT this morning.

17 - a dead bee, with an ant investigating nearby.


19 - Ori playing fetch with one of her toys.

20 - Rhett and Link's video that day involved serving sizes; when they started talking about Ritz crackers, I decided to get me some.

21 - grasshopper hanging out near our front door

22 - Silas and I (mostly) beat Demon Throttle. Pretty fun little game.

23 - Heading into one of the breakrooms at work.

24 - Mammoth made of metal.

25 - Tang.

26 - It was garbage day. (Making a video every day, even just 1 second, is difficult. There's only so much "interesting" stuff to film.)

27 - we played Pandemic. We lost again.

28 - Ori, just licking the air like she does.

29 - the odometer in the car hit 080808.

30 - we finally had a high over 100 degrees today. all we're gonna get is triple digit highs for the next three months. (I like that you can hear Kelly saying "Excessive heat warning" in the background.)

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