Monday, September 22, 2008

Connor vs Palin

Sarah Connor - expects Judgment Day is going to happen within her lifetime (and is trying to prevent it).
Sarah Palin - expects Judgment Day is going to happen within her lifetime.

Sarah Connor - has issues with police.
Sarah Palin - has issues with Alaskan State Troopers.

Sarah Connor - occasionally works with emotionless cyborgs.
Sarah Palin - occasionally works with John McCain.

Sarah Connor - when we first meet her, is vastly unqualified to be the second in command of John Connor's resistance army.
Sarah Palin - when we first meet her is vastly unqualified to be the second in command of the United States of America.

Sarah Connor - in the first season of The Sarah Connor Chronicles, had semi-annoying voice-overs.
Sarah Palin - has an annoying voice.

Sarah Connor - definitely don't want to get on her bad side.
Sarah Palin - definitely don't want to get on her bad side.

Sarah Connor - is fictional, but you kinda wish she were real.
Sarah Palin - is real, but you kinda wish she were fictional.


Anonymous said...

BRILLIANT. If maybe a little depressing.

Kirk said...

John McCain: invented the Blackberry.

Sarah Palin: can see blackberries from her house.

But yeah, pretty much.

Simon said...

You win!

Meghan said...

Oh yeah. You nailed that one.