Monday, July 09, 2007

Oh my god, you look like a frog.

Movie status: Awesome. Left a lot of stuff out from the book, of course, and ultimately, nowhere near as great as one's imagination from reading the words, but still a very very enjoyable time.

We got there an hour early (!!!!) and there were STILL about 80-100 people in line in front of us. Muggles are crazy!

Spoiler tag time!
[begin spoilers for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - highlight to view]
Best scene straight away, without question - the fight in the Ministry. Totally. Awesome. Dude. Voldemort vs Dumbledore is the fight of the century ( date, anyway. [wink])

Other great and/or memorable things:

"Nice one, James!" = Aww.

Snape's worst memory was not seen through a Pensieve, but it worked pretty well the way it was shown.

Umbridge you're going down! (Hee!)

Actually, the casting choices and/or acting for Umbridge, Luna, and Bellatrix LeStrange are inspired. Great jobs, all around.

Huh. I just realized that there were no ghosts in this movie.

The Dementors have changed their appearance from last time. Unsure how I feel about this development.

They also changed the way that the fireplace communication goes on. Not really for the better.

Bellatrix is wicked.
Her 'escape' from Azkaban was goosebumpy.

Grawp actually looked pretty cool. Although I got flashes of Alfred E. Newman for some reason a couple of times.

Kreacher, despite only being onscreen for a few minutes, gave me the creeps. He gives off the 'ticking time bomb' vibe very well.

The Black Family Tree was shown for a while, and I spent the time looking at the background, trying to find Regulus and/or any other "R" name. Where's the pause button when you need it?

Ron's "fight the man" fist thing? Um. Not in the movie!

Neither was Hermione! (Hee.) Yes, she was, of course. We joked beforehand about all the things that they would not be able to include from the books, and I said, "What if Hermione's not in this one?" And then said that I would have to include that joke in my blog. Done and done.

Fred & George's fireworks scene, while pretty damn cool, still didn't quite measure up to the images in my mind. There were sinister wheees, though! When the decrees exploded, I have to admit I felt like cheering.

Hilarious lines:
"He's back!"
"You may not like it, but you have to admit.... Dumbledore's got style."
"That's clever, Ron." "It's been known to happen."
"Oh, there are plenty of things I'd like to say."
"I may vomit." (heh. Snape.)

[end spoiler]

And now, it's pretty late at night, and I have to wake up an ungodly hour. But in the end, I think having seen HP&tOotP [2 days before it's release, even!] was worth it.


Amy said...

I will totally be able to read this in, like, 16 hours.


Amy said...



There were so many things from clips and pictures that were not in the movie! Can I have the DVD now?

While I hate to debate the awesomeness that is Dumbledore vs. Voldemort, I have to say, I think the awesomest parts were the Occlumency scenes. Holy crap.

Dude. Potter.