Monday, June 04, 2007

Monday grin

As I battle a "not enough sleep" headache, I will provide some youtubes that will hopefully provide a grin or two.

First, a Pearl Jam video with a unique interpretation of the mumblings of Eddie Vedder...

Now, on a related note (heh), here's a song composed entirely of random words. Sour kraut brainwash!!


Anonymous said...

Someone was just telling us about that Yellow Ledbetter video. It is even funnier than I expected.

Mindi Scott said...

Hahahaha! That Pearl Jam video is awesome! Yellow Ledbetter is Dwayne's favorite song, so I will have to make sure he checks this out.

Mindi Scott said...

Update: We watched it together and laughed like CRAZY. The climax was definitely "Make me fries."

P.S. I meant to say that YL is Dwayne's favorite PJ song. He insists that "Release Me" is actually his favorite PJ song. But the guitar part at that end of YL makes him cry.