Well, September's over now... which means 2024 is about to go into fast forward mode...
here's how 9/2024 went down...
1 - ceiling fan - it was hot. (Ironically, it's hot today, at the end of the month, too...)
2 - dough being thrown away at Domino's (food waste is INSANE in this country)
3 - Halloween decorations up in people's yards. On September 3rd!! Dude, you aren't Target.
4 - Bees in a bunch of purple flowers
5 - Ori, rubbing her face
6 - Heh. Closed Caption testing, apparently. Either that, or Advil commercials have gotten VERY strange.
7 - MILESTONE!! 99999 to 100000!!!
8 - making myslef a cheese quesadilla for lunch. yum!
9 - early morning 7-11 parking lot
10 - late night Domino's run.
11 - smoky skies = red sun in the morning. It looked cooler in person than on video
12 - had Taco Bell for dinner, this was just me filming the kiosk while I ordered
13 - Heading out one of the employee exits at work
14 - Mayor the ...iguana (? I'm not sure what type of lizard he was, just saw him out in the world, and filmed him. Dude who owned him said his name was "Mayor". Heh.)
15 - Dime that I found! You'll see it again (heh) at the end of the year
16 - a moderate amount of dishes to be done at Dominos that day.
17 - There was a partial lunar eclipse that night... it looked much cooler in person than what my phone was able to pick up.
18 - Survivor 47 premiere! I'm predicting a Gabe win at this point. (but HOPING for a Kyle win)
19 - walking into the office.
20 - dinner at Farmer Boys
21 - car wash
22 - Stratego ...I still haven't won.
23 - Filling up the gas tank
24 - Turtle peep munch on some lettuce
25 - Dominos was dinner. (And it was free!! Nice!!)
26 - Song of the day was by Ringo Starr (It Don't Come Easy), so got myself a Pepsi
27 - newest Zelda game (play as ZELDA!!). Steph and Si both dig it.
28 - I was TRYING to film both cats, but Ori chased Abed up the stairs. Sigh.
29 - Heh. We had Taco Bell for dinner again. (Lots of eating out this month) I filmed part of my waiting.
30 - And we wrapped hte month up with lunch at In-N-Out. hooray!