Saturday, August 30, 2003

Yay, titles!

Beth helped me get them back. Go team Me...rope!

I'm getting all giddy about tomorrow's blog-a-thon. I just hope that when it rolls around, I don't find myself idealess. That would suck.

It's nearly labor day! Or Labor Day, I guess, if you want to be technical about it. [drolleyes] (Hi, Jupe!)

I don't even know what Labor Day is, except that normal folk get the day off, and I get paid overtime for it.

I was going to blog about homelessness, but I find myself not really in the mood to be somber. (heh. If I were mayhem, I'd've said, "...not really in the mood to be sober.")

I've discovered that donuts are the most evil thing in the universe. Shocking, but true.

The fridge from Hell (the one here at work) has decided to start dying. Which means that my dinner is very nearly already room temperature. Yuck. On the plus side, though, that means I don't have to heat it up as long in the microwave!! (Always find the positive, folks.)

Insane idea: Going grocery shopping at midnight. I think we might just do it. No crowds!!

Mother fuck. I'm suddenly hungry like the wolf. Better go eat my already heated up food.

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