Monday, August 04, 2003

Remind me to get a title bar thing

Those are pretty darn nifty, and I should install one soon. I keep meaning to.

My blog got half-eaten yesterday after I made the ultra-long entry. I had it saved (I learn!!), but not an updated version, so now I'm sans quote of the day (was anyone besides me reading it anyway?) and sans Babelfish. (aww.) But at least I've got entries again (which when it got half eaten, were not showing up) so that's good.

Blah. I'm hungry. I didn't want to rant about the hoo-haw going on at Stephanie's blog, and I'm not in the mood to discuss anything cerebral at all, but I can't think of anything light and fluffy either. I suppose I should get back into my book. It's another Robert J. Sawyer work (Illegal Alien) and while I'm only 5 chapters in, it's very good.

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