Thursday, January 13, 2005

We're not the Camdens

Lucy Camden (fictional character from the television show 7th Heaven) is going to have her baby on the episode that airs on January 24th. Wouldn't it be coincidental if our baby arrived on the same day?

According to the promos, Lucy is stuck in the elevator (in the hospital) when she gives birth. Hmm.

Semi-related news - the WB turned 10 back on the 11th. Wow. Ten. Spooky.

More work related news - the guy that was hired to replace the person that left (was fired) four months ago? He quit after the second day. (I still hold that it's because he was being trained with Bill) So they hired another new person - a woman this time - who worked with us yesterday. I think she'll stick around longer, but then again, she hasn't met Bill yet...

In nine days, I won't be in Master Control anymore. Odd.

Don't you hate it when a person you dislike does something nice? It's like, "It was easier to hate you when you were being a jackass, jackass."

We still need a new calendar.

Thankfully tomorrow is payday. We are broke broke broke!

Our phone line is all static-filled. It makes talking on the telephone extremely annoying and difficult. Plus, half the time incoming calls get cut off mid-ring. Oddly enough, staying online hasn't been an issue. We suspect that the wires outside may have been damaged by all the rain from the past 40 days or so. I may do some investigating later. I fear, though, that I'll end up having to call Sprint and they'll charge us an arm and a leg and an elbow just to come out and say, "Yup, it's screwed up." and then they'll tell us that it'll cost even more money to fix it. Because Sprint is the fucking anti-christ. Truly. I hate them. HATE!! HATE!!!!!!!!!!


I should be working on my big ol' entry I promised, but meh. Meh, I tell you!

Today's the 13th? Hmm. Nearly two weeks into 2005. So far, so....far.

["joke" deleted]


I've not read a book yet this year. Also, I'm doing okay on a resolution I made. Go team me! I'm also doing ...mediocre on another 'resolution' I made. Well, maybe "mediocre" is too strong a word. More like "poor". Or "failing". Or "not even remotely close". But, what are ya gonna do?

Wow. This was super boring!


Simon said...

Rain for 40 days?! Is something Biblical going to happen?

Amy said...

Hehehehehehe. Hehehehehehehee. Hehehehehee!!


Lucas said...

Wasn't Lucy the little one? I'm so confused.

Nothing is more evil than evil people being nice. It makes you conflicted. It's like finding out that Lex Luthor volunteered at the SPCA.

P@ said...

Yes, Lucy was (er, is) the youngest Camden daughter. The fact that she's now married and breeding is yet another sign of impending doom.

Mindi Scott said...

That show is still on the air?!!

I have taken many, many elevator rides in my life, but I have never been stuck in an elevator. I wonder how it is that pregnant woman in labor in the world of drama and sit-coms can manage it with such regularity. Hmmmmm.

Amy said...

Dude! Lucy is not the youngest Camden daughter! What about that other, littler one?


P@ said...

Doh! I can't believe I forgot Ruthie! The slutty one! (Yes, I find it highly disturbing that the 10 year old (or however old she was when I stopped watching it) was displayed as the most rebelious child in the coop - once Mary (Jessica Biel) left, that is.) And, dude, why is 7th Heaven holding my attention for this long? WHY!?!?