Thursday, July 17, 2003

You can't handle the truth!!!

(That's the MP3 that's running right now. Jack's speech from A Few Good Men)

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. Earlier tonight, my boss called. Apparently tomorrow is when we're starting to train on the new switcher for the new building. At 3:30. So, after I get off work, I've got to go drive down to the new building and spend anywhere from 1 to 2 hours being trained. Not fun.

Well, the training itself might be fun (depending on your definition) but the fact taht I've got to spend extra time away from my family doesn't exactly fill me with a warm feeling.

And not to mention that tomorrow is a THursday - which means UTP@ will be making an apperance. In fact, it's nearing midnight now, I should be asleep - if I were asleep, I would be - but nope. I'm up and blogging nonsense. [doh2]

Saren won the 'war' game (heh. War Games. "Would you care to play some tic-tac-toe?") earlier. I was close, but not close enough. Isn't that how the losers' histories always go, though?

I have a book picked out for the WD BOok club. Now, as long as I don't criticize myself to death over it before I make the post, we'll be ready to roll in a little while.

I can't believe it's not even been 2 years since 9/11/01. Weird.

I don't know why I just hought of that.

"Without you everything just falls apart." ~ nin, Perfect Drug
Yay for songs that remind me of Stephanie.

I'm slipping itno UTP@ mode, I can already tell. I should be sleeping, but I feel taht if I log off, I'll be missing somethign vital. I should keep Strong Bad's words of wisdom in mind; "Just remember, the Internet is a place where nothing ever happens."

Oh, hey! Bally, if you're reading this - dont' forget to sign my Guest Map. I don't have any British representatives yet. Bloody hell! [grin]

Steph already made mention of it, but I feel it bears rrepeating on my site - the other day she contacteda bunch of apartments (boa??) in Oregon and asked them about their policies of moving there w/o a job. Several have gotten back to us (more or less good news, if you're wondering) but the fact that they're calling and emailing really makes it that much more real. Yay!!

Okay, I've got to wake up in 5 hours , so I'm done.

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