Thursday, October 12, 2006


No real central topic, just a bunch of random thoughts.

I really do need a haircut.

Tomorrow is the Ren Faire. Huzzah! We're going for free! Huzzah!! My work is one of the sponsors and provided free tickets, which is pretty cool. Incidentally, my work is asking for volunteers to help man the booth that we will have set up there. I feel sorta bad about not signing up to help out, but, come on. I spend too many freaking hours there as it is. And I get paid for those. They want me to fritter away my precious few weekend hours doing work for them as well? And NOT get money in return? HA HA HA!!

I was going to post that Futurama episode, but I'm not really in the mindset to do that yet. Maybe I never will be.

Apparently, it's Bring A Weapon to School season here in the states. Seems like the past week or three, there's been a shooting and/or a person with a gun at a school somewhere in the country everyday. A few days back on the bus, some boys got on - they were probably jr. high students, maybe freshman in high school. Anyway, one of them mentioned that he heard (on the news?) that now teachers are thinking of bringing weapons to protect themselves.
Just another brick in the wall.

At work, we have somewhere around 300 movies in our library. For the past two and a half months (or so) I have been working on a complete overhaul of it. Each movie will eventually be put onto one 120 minute tape instead of being on two 60 minute tapes. And, each movie will be re-timed by yours truly. It's a truly daunting task, but I've done about 118 so far. Plus, I get to watch some really horrible movies in the process. yay!
Today's movie was another David A. Prior masterpiece, Raw Nerve. Traci Lords was in it, and sadly, was probably the best actress in the movie. However, I have to say that the "twist" ending wasn't what I expected. (I figured it would be the police chief doing the killings, which would've made more sense.)
Yesterday's movie was Little Kidnappers, a hokey TV movie with Charlton Heston and Bruce Greenwood (Nowhere Man) and people with Scottish accents. ("Ack. Don't ye know anything aboot beebies?", "I'm afeard!!") Not a bad movie, overall, but nothing really memorable, either.

I forget what else I was going to say.

1 comment:

Simon said...

The world is filled with unmemorable movies. It's a comforting thought, really.