Monday, October 23, 2006

belly empty, brain full

lots of stuff happened today. but can't you all just be telepathic and read my mind instead of me having to type it all out? It would save all of us a bunch of trouble.


I'm too hungry to blog. Not too tired (although I am that). Not too bored (although I am that, too). I'm too hungry. That might be a first.

Oh, okay. I'll be brief:

Rememember that movie I blogged about a few weeks back with David Carradine (Future Force) [imagine I linked to that entry in the previous sentence]? Well, there was a sequel made. Future Zone. And we have it in our library. I watched it today. It's just as bad, although I got to give it points for having a marginally better plot.

We made the best Deal (or no deal (ha!)) EVER today. Somethign that was normally 150 dollars was purchased by us for 38. WOO!

I'm starving. STARVING!!!! (Yes, it's funny. But it's funnier when it happens to other people.)

Um. Other stuff must've happened too, but the lack of nutritents in my body is causing my mmory to fade. I'm going to go get something to eat.

1 comment:

Amy said...

"but can't you all just be telepathic and read my mind instead of me having to type it all out? It would save all of us a bunch of trouble."

Dude. It so would.