Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Dear Santa Christ

I have been very good this year. Of course, being omnipotent, you know that already. You also know what I want for my reward for being such a model citizen. But it never hurts to remind people, so here is my xmas wish list:

  1. time
  2. money
  3. life
  4. games
  5. other magazines
  6. a bow and arrow set
  7. to know how to use a bow and arrows
  8. skills
  9. skillz
  10. a new computer
  11. stuff
  12. some dvds
  13. pepsi
  14. sleep
  15. aspirin
  16. a cell phone
  17. a cell phone grenade
  18. for cell phones to be eliminated from the planet
  19. to hit my word count goal of 200,005 words blogged in the year of 2005
  20. to be a little bit taller
  21. a haircut
  22. money
  23. everyone to be happy
  24. peace of mind (that's good any time of the year, actually)
  25. peace on earth (so is this)
  26. piece of pie (ditto)
  27. piece of ass (and this, too)
  28. a time machine
  29. pop tarts
  30. to have finished my story
  31. to have actually worked on my story
  32. someone else to write my story for me, but to incorporate the ideas I have for it
  33. a chinchilla (although I know I'm getting one when I turn 35, so if you can't get me one this year, I can wait)
  34. email
  35. email that is not junk
  36. a second job
  37. to not have to get a second job
  38. Operation: Simpsons Edition
  39. friends
  40. ooh! A robot!
  41. a monkey
  42. zombies
  43. I'll take the porcelain dalmatian (hee!)
  44. less people on the planet
  45. less traffic
  46. less pollution
  47. less meanness
  48. less politicians
  49. lunch
  50. bar-b-cue potato chips
  51. one of them fancy calculators (you know the kind)
  52. a great glass elevator
  53. a paper airplane
  54. the new NIN cd (With Teeth. Um. With Teeth is the title, I don't need teeth to be included with the cd)
  55. a lasso of truth
  56. Y: The Last Man Graphic Novels
  57. a big screen television
  58. a Buffy game for the GameCube
  59. Two new controllers for the GameCube
  60. gloves
  61. A1 sauce
  62. a jar of dill pickles
  63. Mr. Potato Head
  64. creativity
  65. superpowers
  66. bottled water
  67. a fireplace
  68. better insulation
  69. better circulation
  70. chickens (to raise, to eat, to sell)
  71. a collection of all the special state quarters
  72. a tornado in a box
  73. a Tasmanian devil
  74. a new printer
  75. a deserted island
  76. a new car
  77. an answering machine
  78. my two front teeth
  79. peace on earth, goodwill toward man
  80. any other cliche you've got available
  81. a lightsaber
  82. Yoda
  83. Jedi Mind Trick Capabilities
  84. a minotaur
  85. Mandy Moore
  86. Michael Moore
  87. Roger Moore
  88. more more more!
  89. mores (heeee!)
  90. weapons of mass destruction
  91. The Dark Tower series
  92. an alien spacecraft
  93. an alien
  94. an Alien in a Can
  95. the moon
  96. the sun
  97. the sun blocked out (excellent)
  98. a turtle
  99. a trip to Awwwwstralia
  100. clear skin
  101. translucent skin
  102. Canada (but just the cool half, eh?)
  103. knowledge
  104. hot chocolate
  105. peak oil
  106. a clone
  107. tickets to see the Blue Man Group
  108. a stereo
  109. headphones
  110. bagpipes
  111. a typewriter
  112. a mechanical pencil
  113. pens
  114. a trampoline
  115. a lawnmower
  116. an underground labyrinth that leads to various places around the city
  117. the entire series of Angel on DVD
  118. pizza
  119. a new dictionary
  120. a new atlas
  121. a timeline
  122. a chalkboard
  123. a spoon
  124. an asteroid
  125. Asteroids
  126. Hogwarts
  127. Harry Potter Book 7
  128. gills
  129. wings
  130. horns
  131. fur
  132. webbed feet
  133. claws
  134. fangs
  135. a tail
  136. a holodeck
  137. anything that can be found using Google.com
  138. anything that can not be found using Google.com
  139. Applebee's
  140. an end to this list
  141. toilet paper
  142. kitty litter
  143. a horse
  144. a lion
  145. a tiger
  146. a bear
  147. to be on Survivor
  148. an Energizer Bunny
  149. an end to censorship
  150. an end to stupidity
  151. an end to avarice (heee!)
  152. ice cream (Rocky Road)
  153. to have an entry about me be put into wikipedia
  154. some folders
  155. a PT Cruiser
  156. a vanity license plate to go with the PT Cruiser
  157. a milkshake (that's better than yours)
  158. a hat
  159. a calendar
  160. a desk
  161. a new notebook
  162. an iPod (not really, but might as well ask)
  163. a crystal ball
  164. sunglasses
  165. a good Will Smith movie
  166. a porcupine
  167. some classes at UNLV or CCSN
  168. a bowling ball
  169. a bowling alley
  170. a six sided die
  171. a ten sided die
  172. a 100 sided die
  173. a pair of cool glasses like John Lennon used to wear
  174. miracle whip
  175. a walking stick
  176. a little mermaid
  177. a yellow submarine
  178. the Nina
  179. the pinta
  180. an oubliette
  181. a psychophysiological detection of deception
  182. an American Express card
  183. a Target store of my very own
  184. an Xmas tree
  185. a beehive
  186. a scooter
  187. a giant hamster ball
  188. an ark
  189. a dolphin
  190. opium
  191. squid
  192. squirrels
  193. sandwich bread
  194. Indiana Jones' hat
  195. a wad of cash
  196. Boardwalk
  197. Park Place
  198. a sandshrew
  199. a shovel
  200. a rake
  201. a new broom
  202. a malfunctioner
  203. a good spell chekcer
  204. the second "P" tile from Scrabble
  205. new clothes
  206. etc.
I know it's a large order, but I feel I deserve it. If not, just remember that I know where you live.


Amy said...


Amanda said...

I think you'd better ask for a larger house to store all that stuff, too.