In the days when Herod was king of Judea, Mary was visited by an angel.
The angel said, "You shall bear a son and call him Jesus."
In those days, everyone went to the city of his ancestors to be taxed.
Joseph had to go to Bethlehem, the city of David.
Joseph and Mary made the long journey together.
When they reached Bethlehem, the city was filled with people.
There was no room for Mary and Joseph at the inn.
Mary and Joseph had to stay in a stable.
That night, Jesus was born.
Mary laid Jesus in a manger to sleep.
Out in the fields, some shepherds were watching their flocks.
A great light flashed, and the shepherds were afraid.
An angel appeared and said, "Good news! A savior is born!"
The angel told them to go find Jesus in the stable and worship Him.
Then many other angels appeared, singing, "Glory to God".
The shepherds hurried to find Jesus.
They found Him in the stable with Mary and Joseph.
The shepherds knelt down and worshiped Jesus.
A star shone over the stable where Jesus was.
Three wise men in a distant land saw the star.
These wise men traveled a long way to find the Baby Jesus.
They brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (because what newborn doesn't want that!?)
When they saw Jesus, the wise men worshiped Him.
May the joy of the first Christmas be with you always.
And to quote Homer: "And did you know that that Baby Jesus grew up to become... Jesus?!? [nods] I know, it's weird, isn't it?"
In other update news, our imaginary savings total for the year (thus far) from Smith's is: $603.06.
And my word count total for the year (thus far) is:
| |
128,479 / 200,005 (64.2%) |
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