Monday, November 15, 2004

Safe, Non-Toxic

Note to self: Don't look at sites like this before blogging. It puts you in a foul mood unsuitable for thinking clearly.

We bought a saw today. For $1.59. You get what you pay for! Unless you're a thief. HA!

You ever have an epiphany, but you don't want to share it, for fear that it will be picked apart? Just wondering. I'm not saying I've had one, simply curious if others have experienced that. Okay, I have had one.


Think I'm still not really thinking clearly.


Jess said...

Do I get that? I think so, yeah.

Also, I'd love your blog challenges except you selfishly put them in the middle of November, damn you! Maybe if it's still going in two weeks I'll add my bit. Nearly said, "add my but".

Anonymous said...

After years and years of having no epiphanies at all, I managed to have two this year. (Just like buses!) One I happily bored all my readers with, the other I just told to one person. Not because I was scared of being picked apart - just because it was a bit too personal to share just now.

So. It's totally up to you as to whether you want to let people know about it, but I wouldn't worry about the responses - most stalkees/listeners tend to be kind and supportive, not picky. Except of course me.



Amy said...

Oh dude, I am all the time telling people about my epiphanies if and when I have them.

For example, I got some new headphones today [/gratuitous mention number 3] and I've found that listening to them, I cannot hear the click-clack of the keys on my keyboard, and I am TYPING FASTER because of it! Wild!!

I tend not to care if people take light of my spiritual discoveries, because those people are wrong.

Simon said...

You can be a thief in Game Boy Zelda. It's a bit spooky that I was explaining this to Dave just last night.

Also, why not share the epiphany with people via PM?

Lucas said...

I'm afraid to clcik the link. Should I be afraid? Because I am.