Tuesday, May 20, 2003

So much!!

Okay, briefly, because if I get going, I'll never shut up, and I'll also forget about something that needs to be blogged about.

Two days off!! YAYY!!

Tomorrow I do yard work, straighten up the lawn, whack the weeds, etc. I mowed the front yard today, but need to do a more complete job of both the front and back.

Also tomorrow - we're going bowling. Saren is ultra excited about it. (It'll be her first time. She was asking me all sorts of questiions about it tonight, when she was supposed to be going to sleep.)

Another thing that's taking place tomorrow - we'll be purchasing a new vacuum cleaner! Woo!

Also on the agenda for the 20th - I call to find out the details of Jury Duty.

Oh! And Buffy will close it's universe's doors once and for all. (Of course, Angel will continue, as well Everwood, so it's not totally gone, but still...)

Speaking of Buffy: Tonight's viewings were Intervention (as promised) and Band Candy.
Just some quick comments about those.
Intervention was fun. I miss the Buffybot. Although this episode shows again why Spuffy is a horrific idea. The guy fucking built a sex-toy about the woman he couldn't have. Issues much?
Also of note in this episode - Buffy's guide that lead her to the Spirit Guide (in the form of the First Slayer) was a giant cat. Not a panther, but interesting nonetheless.
Band Candy made me laugh out loud several times. Xander on the SATs: "I believe they're biased against the uninformed." Classic
I remember when it first aired, I liked it, but I think since I've aged some, it was even better. And Ethan Rayne is such a cool mini-villian. Shame they didn't get him back more. Or maybe it's better they didn't. I mean, Clem was wonderful at first, but wound up overused.

While on tv...the season finales of 7th Heaven and Everwood were on tonight.
7H has the creepiest people you will ever find anywhere. Period. Thing 1 and Thing 2 (aka "the twins" aka "Sam and David") should be stopped. Yesterday. They're just...[shudder]
And HEEEE!! Simon pulled a "Pretty Woman"!!

Everwood pissed me off because they attended the "Season Finales must be cliffhangers" school of thought. However, they had two more Buffyverse tie-ins, so that's okay.
1) The "mud wrestle aligators" line.
2) The episode (which was,as I stated above, the season finale) was entitled Home.

During a commercial break, I called Annika's house to let her know about these. But I got her machine, so I hung up.

Erm...I guess that's all. I feel like there's more, but meh.

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