Monday, May 12, 2003

I may be stupid, but I'm not smart

All of the blogs I read (on a regular basis, that is, not just random ones that happen to be on blogger's main page) are written by people who are either more intelligent than I am, or at least more interesting. Why is that?

I think the number of words I know (that word would be "vocabulary") is like 2000. Maybe.

I want(ed) to write some fiction today. (Need you ask? Of course it was the ever-elusive "Perth" story. The damn thing that i've had in my head (or bits of it, at any rate) for the past 5 years, and done nada about.) But did I? Nope. So, not only dumb, but lazy to boot. The greatness that is me knows no boundaries!

In less self-pity-ing news, They Might Be Giants are wonderful. The song "Ana Ng" always reminds me of HyperOnion, whom I really like. I should give him this address, in case he feels like stopping by.

Um.......okay, done. (See, Beth? That was a lame denouement.)

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