Thursday, December 19, 2002

UTP@ time, folks!!

This may very well be the final UTP@ entry ever! It seems that a coworker is leaving, and therefore my schedule might get tinkered with, thus making all of my nights at work be nights at work, thereby removing the need for me to wake up before the sun does.

453345, I'm tired.

Giant cookies (or something [shrug]) to anyone who figures out the number reference above. [up] (heee. "above", followed by "[up]". similarityes make me smile).

Got another Xmas card in the mail today! From Boo! Plus, Saren got a letter from Merope. I know how to pronounce it, but just now, I really wanted to say it as Me-ropey. IT's funny what sleep deprivation does to you. I think that I might continue to wake myself up at 5:30am one day out of the week, even when I don't have to, just so that I can have the thought processess. Of course, I won't, becasue I'm much too lazy, but it's a neat idea.

When I first woke up this morning, the Police, "Roxanne" was on. Here were my thoughts (I'm amazed I remember them):

I hate everyone. I hate every goddamn thing ever.
I hate the bitterness in the world. I'm so sick of it. There are so many people who spend so much of their time angry. Why???
"Annie waits, for the last time."
"Annie waits, for the last time."
"Annie waits, for the last time."
Jesus Christ, the shower door won't close.
"Annie waits, for the last time."
God, it's cold.
Why are so many people so angry so often? God I hate them. I'm so sick of the bitterness.
"If I could be, who you wanted...."
"If I could be, who you wanted...."
" wears me out. it wears me out.
It weeeeaaars me oooutt!" (repeat a few times)
I'm hungry.
God, I'm tired.
I'll have to remember these thoughts for my blog.

I had/have lots of thoughts on the current season of Buff-ola, but I don't think I can compress them into a coherent ...thing. RIght now.

Plus, I got to talk to Clark today at work, and that was always fun. It's neat ot have soemone to talk to about Buffy in Real Life. Or, I hsould say, ANOTHER someone. Since I talk to Steph abvout it. Not as much as I'd like to sometimees, for fear taht she'll think I'm a complete geek, but you get my point. Or you don't. [shmirg]
[shmirg] is not a typo, btw. It's a combonation of shrugging and smirking.

Theft is a funny, victimless crime. Remember that, folks.
I need a name for you guys. Like "gentle readers" or "fellow americans"...some kind of group name. Meh. Or plaah, as Jupe would say.

Saren LOVEs She drew a picture of both Strong Bad, and of Homestarrunner, and they are both teh most adorable things EVER.

Remind me later, when I'm coherent (that's like th word of the juor, isn't it? Iv'e used it twice already today) to ramble on about my new thoughts (or newly reorginazed thoughts) on the nature of the universe, and god.

Also, Umeeksk is always online, but ALWAYS away. [odd]

HErmph. I think I've blahed awy enough of your time, and of mine.

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