Wednesday, December 25, 2002

"Holy Shit, it's Christmas!"

I promised Steph I'd save that for her to use on this 25th December, but she forgot. Thus, all mine!!

So, yeah. It came, it saw, it left. Presents were opened, smiles were um...smiled. (Oh, this is totally an UTP@ entry) and the Xmas spirit spirited us all, I'm sure.

Despite some setbacks at Casa de Pat Sr. (aka my parents house), overall it was a really good Decemberween.

Steph's family was yayful, and her meals turned out awesome. (She did burn the bottom of one of them, but that really wasnt' a big deal. It was still delicious.)

Plus!!! Bettie called! Woo! And we got mail! From another WDer! (I don't want to name names, but let's just call her Sas. No, that's too obvious. Let's call her Miss amai....) Granted, said mail was most likely really delivered yesterday, and I just didn't check the amilbox, but it was neat to find mail on a Federal Holiday. [grin]

I'm a hungry hungry hippo (in fact, I'm the Yellow One!!) but I thnk I'll go to bed now instead of eating. Sleep > Food.
Heh. Math.

Okay. Slumber calls.

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