Monday, April 02, 2012

No TV and No Beer Make Homer Something Something

over 7 months ago (wait...really?? WHERE does the time go??), we canceled our cable, with the plan that our television viewing would be done with the converter box we had bought waaaay back when.
 Only, it turns out, that at some point we gave away (or lost) the converter box. Meaning, thanks to the digital conversion of 2009 (wow. time truly does go faster the older you get), we can not see the local stations over the air.
 But, here's the crazy thing - I don't miss it.
 I still stay up to date with Survivor (on and 30 Rock (on Hulu). But everything else...can wait for it to come out on DVD, really. That's what's going to have to happen with the final season of Chuck (I was watching that on Hulu, until NBC [or perhaps Warner Bros since I believe they own the program?] decided to NOT post the final freaking season online.) And that's how I'm going to have to see the final season(s??) of Breaking Bad (and I may have to go into internet-hiding once it starts so as not to get spoiled. God, I wish it were out already. I just WANT to know how it all ends...)
 Anyway. The point is, we still have netflix, and we still have the internet, so, ironically, TV can just curl up and die. (I do find it hilarious that I'm employed by a television station [and was even the Programming Director] but COULDN'T WATCH OUR STATION EVEN IF I WANTED TO. Ha ha! The ironing, etc.) But, yes. Netflix DVDs and Netflix streaming and DVDs from the library and Redbox have all supplemented our viewing of television.
And really, the only question(s) I have is(are) - why didn't we do this YEARS ago? And why doesn't everyone do it this way? The lack of commercials alone. My god, I SO do not miss commercials. (And this is an election year!! Score!!) Of course, that also means that this year we did not have the ability to watch the Super Bowl and thus, there was no Buffy Bowl 11. Bummer. Overall, though, the lack of network (and cable) television hasn't resulted in the end of the world. Of course, we still have to make it thru December of this year...


Amy said...

Dude! You actually have been blogging every day! My apologies.

I have turned on a television set in months. I still have one, though! But I get all of my televisioning out of this blinky box right here. It's so multipurpose.

P@ said...

aw, man. I told Steph that you would be the first to respond to this entry (which you were) and that you might say other stuff, but you would definitely start your response with "Go crazy?" (which you didn't). Half point?

Amy said...

Go crazy?

P@ said...

Don't mind if I do!!