Saturday, June 14, 2003

Today was pretty darn good.

Woke up a little earlier than normal (11am, rather than noon or 1). Had breakfast (pop-tarts. Yum!!). Logged on the computer long enough to see that I had email ("eee-mail" [/homestar]) from Jupe and Beth. (Thanks guys!!)

Showered, and then I set up Buffy. I was Evil. Steph was Oz and Xander. Saren (I nearly typed "Buffy" [hmmm]) was Willow and Buffy. The storyline we chose was The Judge.

I started off with Dru getting the Judge's arm right away. All I had to do was get her to the spot where he'd be "built" and all would be well. Except the male aspect of the Scoobies came along and blocked the entrance. Grr!
A few more turns went by, and with the combo of sunlight and Xander's (girly) punches, Dru ended up dust. The artifact went back into the corner, while Buffy and Xander teamed up on Darla.

Soon enough, Spike was the sole survivor. The only one to carry on the forces of darkness. Talk about a burden.

At about this time, Steph went to take her shower and didn't finish the game. [frown] But Saren happily took over. [yay]

Spike cornered Xander, and exacted revenge for his having killed the female half of the Foursome. Meanwhile, Willow got the Judge's arm, but died when it attacked her. Only (a pretty wounded) Buffy and Oz remained.

I attempted to summon Kathy, but she must've been busy, and cancelled her world domination appearance. Looked like Spike would have to go it alone.
But then! Buffy allowed herself to be sired! Huzzah! A vamped Buffy took on Oz, who fought back valiantly, but didn't stand a chance as a human.

The Judge never even showed up. And yet Evil won.


Anywhat, after that was cake. The girls and Stephanie all helped put on the frosting and M&M toppings. And then they sang "Happy Birthday to You", and followed it up with "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." [major grin]

The cake was yummy, and we listened to the Birthday CD while we ate.

Then Saren took pictures of me with her camera, and then I had to go to work.

I stopped for a Pepsi on the way in.
When I got here, Kris gave me a 2 liter bottle of Pepsi and said "Happy Birthday." Heh.

Work was pretty uneventful at first. There was a little hiccup with the server around 5pm, but no loss of revenue. Didn't even have to call anybody, as I handled the problem all by my lonesome. Yay me.

Around 6-ish, Beth called me! At first I was like, "Beth who?" and then I was like, "OH!!!" and then I was like, "Whoa!!" and then we talked for about an hour. Yay!

After that, I popped some popcorn and watched (the edited!!) version of Once More, With Feeling. The final tape of Buffy I've got here at work. And it still produced goosebumps. [smile]

Once that was done, I posted my "Aducation" post, and got a really nice PM from Bettie.

Then, it was onto blogger to blog about the days events.

Pretty soon I'll go home and have some pizza, and that will end the day. All in all, a rather enjoyable one. Tomorrow we wake up early to go out to breakfast with my family. Waking up early sucks. But yay for breakfast!!

Oh! As for the ranting, it's not worth the time. Jennifer is beneath me.

And she knows it.

Hope everyone had a wonderful day!

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