Saturday, January 11, 2003

On this, the 11th day of the first month of the year 2003 of our Lord ([insert laughing head here]), I offer now some randome thoughts:

[-] I've got some (like 3) PMQ responses to reply to. But I'm being lazy. Lazy bastard.

[-] Damn. I spend all this time online, accomplishing nothing. I STILL have to write my GAP interview. If it weren't for last minutes, I'd get nothing done.

[-] Hey, P@, remember when you had that funny plan of going to bed at a decent hour, so you could actually wake up before noon, and feel refreshed and ready to take on the world?
Yeah, that was classic.

[-] Soupy raises some really good questions about nukes.

[-] FOD is the devil's workshop. I hope everyone leaves it.

[-] My daughters are awesome. They made these cards for us the other day, and placed them under our pillows. Very sweet. One that Saren made said: "I love you P@. Heeeeeee. Love, Saren"

[-] Lazy, lazy, lazy.

[-] From the Surreal Life: Dumbest thing ever: Corey Feldman says, "We ordered pizza. It was late, and it was burnt, but it was still better than having sushi off a naked woman."

[-] After the most exhausting day of work all year (heh), WHY am I not tired? Or sleeping? I'm oddly complex sometimes.

[-] I can't quite decide if these long entries please the P@riots more than the short ones.


[-] Only a few more days until payday! Woo! We should go on 60 minutes and cry about how we've got 33 cents to our name.

[-] Why do people waste their time with FOD when there's blogger?

[-] Saren wrote this awesome story today. Maybe I'll transcribe it another day. [up]

[-] Next one is the last one, I promise.

[-] I think I might be pregnant! yay!!

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