Thursday, November 02, 2006


As in, the second day of the month.
And the 2nd attempt at Wolf(er, or maybe the 3rd, really, if you count the 'false start' from last month on my blog). The good news? I've written 600someodd words now! Hooray! And, while it's still rather cringeworthy, at least it's WAY better than the 176ish words I had written yesterday. That stuff was just... no.

And "2" also counts for the two writing projects (progects? no. projects) going on this month. Nano and Nablo. I'm going to try and do both. AND!! I'm going to see if Nablo can have 50000 words. Which means I'd have written between the two, 100000 words in 30 days. Okay, put in that light, it's kinda insane. But, I still suggest that those who are doing NaBlo should have the 50k word count goal. Just to see.

In other news, Saren is also attempting NaNo. She wants to write 300 words in her story, which so far is about spiders. Although she just said she wants to write something "that she knows more about". And then she disappeared into her room to start typing on the computer.

I'm rambling. I should be working on my story. Or eating. Man, all the time with the eating and needing of food. So inefficient.


High Power Rocketry said...

: )

Amanda said...

That is awesome that Saren is participating, too. I still have a portfolio of my writing when I was that age, and I love going back and reading it.

Good luck to you both!