Wednesday, November 16, 2005


on a wednesday night with a baby in my arms and with nothin' to say.

haven't we done this tune already?

I'm at 18.020 (or 18,020, rather). And! I'm out of the flashback and back in the present. Woo hoo! Even better, i've got an upcoming scene thgat ius very... good. Except that i don't know how it's going to play out, because my brain can't conceive it to the logical conclusion, which sucks. ame old brain.

In other news, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire opens in two days. Thias is the first Harry Piotter movie that the station has not had a prescreening for. [frown]

i guess that's all.


CosmicAvatar said...

No pre-screening? Awwwwww.

Amy said...

But ... BAY-BEE!

Also, what? No screening? Are you working for communists suddenly? Or is it the non-family-friendly nature of the new and mature Harry?

Simon said...

You're a canny chap.