Wednesday, June 02, 2004

I would drive 500 miles. And I would drive 500 more.

Okay, the song is walk. And the amount needed to hit the mark is now less than 1000, but it was too close to pass up using the line.

So, yesterday was June 1st. I predicted long ago that on that day our car's odometer would hit 123456. It didn't. But it did hit the 122456 mark! I was off by a thousand! We're now at 122464 (I haven't gone to work today yet) so if you want to make your guesses, now's a good time. I'm thinking that it might hit on my birthday. That would be a nice present.

In other news, I cancelled the extended cable service today. The girls cried.

In other other news, there is a meeting at work today. We're to meet Greg's replacement (Greg, as you may recall, was our supervisor's supervisor. He left earlier this year when the company decided that he wasn't did they put it? "Playing the game correctly"? That's not how they said it, but that's what it boiled down to.). I'm skeptical. If I blog about it, I'm sure you know what the title will be.

Other other other news? I'm sunburnt on my shoulders and back. We went to Lake Mead (aka Lake Pointy Ground) yesterday, and had a pretty good time, but like a doofus, I didn't put sunblock on after taking off my shirt. (I did put it on my arms and face before removing my shirt, so at least my farmers tan didn't get any darker.)

Friday we're going out to Sunset Park, armed with waterguns and a cooler filled with water balloons. Summertime can be fun!

Lastly, Saren's playing Paper Mario right now, which reminded me - the GameCube is coming out with Paper Mario 2 in October. Now I really want one!

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