Sunday, August 31, 2008

so. It's late(ish) and there's a lot more to go with spELlcaster, but it's not going to happen tonight. (Sorry!)

I need to get the pooka to sleep, and then probably head off to bed myself. I'm annoyed with myself for not having started writing this sooner, because I know I could've completed it if I'd tried harder. But I will do so. I'm going to spend the next day or two finishing it up (I have a good idea of where it's going up to a point, and's kinda up in the air) and I'll be sure to publish it once it's done.

And, since it's end of the month, here's my of August:

1 comment:

Simon said...

The first four words my eyes were drawn to, in order: "Just", "One", "Good", "Time". Weird!