Sunday, August 31, 2008

Stolen from Min

Your result for The 4-Variable Buffy Personality Test...

Rupert Giles

55% amorality, 36% passion, 55% spirituality, 55% selflessness

Utterly calm and resolute in the face of danger, utterly devoted to his loved ones and comrades in arms, and utterly willing to do what is necessary to ensure that good overcomes evil. Giles knows the score, he knows that sometimes virtue relies on good men getting a little messy, and he's willing to take that on himself, largely so that others don't have to.

You might share some of that.

You most closely resemble one of the most popular heroes in the Buffy universe.


If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback! Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in the following:

Nerds, Geeks & Dorks

Professional Wrestling

Love & Sexuality



Take The 4-Variable Buffy Personality Test at HelloQuizzy

Hooray! (Although the answer to question 22 was "Yes")


Stephanie said...

I got Willow.

Amy said...

I got Angel?

Anonymous said...

I got Dawn.
55% amorality, 82% passion, 82% spirituality, 91% selflessness

I always thought she was whiny. Am I whiny?

I also forgot it was blog-a-thon. It'll take me forever to catch up with my reading...but I will I promise.