Tuesday, August 19, 2008

In an alternate universe

...Kevin Spacey guest starred on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and/or Angel) as Cordelia's father.

...Lost would exist in book form (instead of/as well as television?). It would be a 7 book series (like Harry Potter!). Each novel would be the equivalent of one of the seasons. Each chapter would be one of the episodes.

...Writers, directors, producers, and actors involved in gratuitous remakes would be heavily fined and possibly face jail time.

What alternate universe(s) would you like to visit?


Simon said...

The one where the outcome of coin flips is reversed. ;)

Amy said...

The second Lost book would be the worst book ever written.

Anonymous said...

The universe where chocolate, beer, Smarties and inherent laziness DON'T make you fat.

CosmicAvatar said...

The one where I am slim, devastatingly attractive and get to be in a Dean/John Winchester sandwich?

OK, cold hose, STAT!
