Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Blogger's dozen

With that blogathon right around the corner - it's 2 blog-days away! - I'm starting to get nervous about things to say. I mean, hell, I have a hard enough time blogging once when it's one of my blog-days, 12 entries? That's ludicrous!

So, as I generally do when I get stumped, I'm having someone else help me solve my problem. I'm turning to ya'll.

What I need is 12 topics/idea-generators/fully written entries. Last time we had a blogathon, I went with the gimmick of using track titles from a CD with 12 songs on it. Pretty clever, no? I wouldn't mind doing that again, but finding an album that has twelve songs is not as easy as you'd suspect. And then, having the entries actually pertain to the titles would be another trick.

But I don't necessarily have to go with the CD-titled theme. If anyone has any other ideas, believe me, I'm open to suggestions.

(oh, and of course it goes without saying that anyone that wants to "sign up" for the blogathon and participate on Sunday, please do so.)


Anonymous said...

I picked up the CD on top of a nearby pile and it has 12 tracks! You certainly need not use them, but here they are for your consideration. The album is Jesse Dayton's Country Soul Brother.

1. Country Soul Brother
2. All Because of You
3. Ain't Grace Amazing
4. Just What I Needed
5. Daily Ritual
6. Jesus Pick Me Up
7. It Won't Always Be Like This
8. Tall Walkin' Texas Trash
9. Just To get You Off My Mind
10. Moravia
11. One of Them Days
12. Talkin' Bobby Dale's Hard Luck Blues

Also, I will not be home on Sunday but I may very well try to participate from Cassie's.

Anonymous said...

Alternately, isn't season one of Buffy 12 episodes long?

Anonymous said...

Things that come in 12s.

Tribes of Israel
Chinese Zodiac
Kids in Cheaper by the Dozen
Odin's sons
12 Olympians
12 Days of Christmas
Twelfth Night

Okay, that's 12 things. I'm all out of ideas.

CosmicAvatar said...

I like Cindy's ideas, but if you're struggling, you can always blog about general topics like food, music, life, death, going out, politics, cars, films, the end of the world... Or pick a TV show and 12 ep titles from it. Or 12 TV shows and one ep title from each. (Annika's got the right idea, see?)