Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's exactly like a Greek tragedy

So tomorrow is the 7 year anniversary of 9/11/01 (I originally typed 9/11/08. Time is meaningless!!)

The only thing I'm going to say about that is that even to this day, seven years later, whenever I look at a plane flying in the sky, I can now easily envision it flying into a building.


John McCain is so totally going to win (or steal, same thing) this election.

And that sucks a gigantic amount of donkey balls.


I pretty much have to watch a movie a day for the rest of the year if I want to see 200 of them by year's end. I'm beginning to think it's not going to happen.


They say "Mo money, mo problems" but I gotta tell you, "No money" does not equate "no problems".


Why is that this week has been three Mondays in a row?


In case you want to check on the status of the earth in regard to the LHC.


Never do have a good ending for these types of entries....

1 comment:

Amy said...

1. I live under a flight path to Newark Airport (apparently) because someone planes fly very low, and the air shakes a little. Sometimes when this happens, I hold my breath and anticipate a crash.

2. Let's just hope he doesn't die. His mother seems pretty spry, but my Aunt Rose lived to 96, but outlived her children by several decades. So, you never know.

3. I figured you were shooting for 100. Which - hey, you've almost met that goal! With months to spare!

4. What are you talking about? It's been Friday since Tuesday over here.

5. No money = 1 problem = no fucking money. [cries]

6. Heeeeeeeeeee!!!! There was another one that I saw that said "Nope." I like that one better, but I can't find it. Remember: there's still time to panic!!!

7. This comment was longer than this entry.