Wednesday, June 18, 2008

LOST my voice

Inexplicably, my voice has become that of either
Squeaky Voiced Teen ("I'll have to ask my manager!")
Marge Simpson ("Mmmmm.")
Evil Ed - warning, not particularly suitable for younger viewers
Professor Umbridge
a victim of the Gentlemen

over the past two days.

So, since I can't really do any talking, I'll let the internet do my speaking for me.
Here are some youtube videos that show some folks from the TV show LOST using some...shall we say, familiar phrases?

First, Michael:

Then Desmond, my brotha!

And that son of a bitch, Sawyer:

And to anyone who says that LOST is repetitive, I can only reply:


Mindi Scott said...

Those are way too hilarious! I really, truly can't decide which of the first three is my favorite.

Amy said...

Orders of business:

1. That Walt video never fails to crack me up. Shouldn't there be one for Hurley and "Dude"?

2. Can you please say, "It's Cran-TASTIC!"?

P@ said...

I, too, was surprised (and a little disappointed) that there was no Hurley-Dude collection. Although I believe that youtube does limit their videos to under 30 minutes. ;)