Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Plot points, panhandlers, and purple coins

A few days back, I got an award. My blog, this here collection of my thoughts and viewpoints, was given an "E for Excellent" by my wife, because she believes that I am a writer who deserves it.
For whatever reason, the first (and strongest, and most constant) reaction to the words of encouragement has been, "Yeah. Right." Or just plain cynicism and/or denial.

But. There is another reaction that has been slowly coming to be the dominant one, and that is, "Well, even if I don't see it, other people might, and know, maybe I should just get over myself and write."

I haven't yet, but that's part of what I'm blogging about today. I have a story idea (yes, another one) that has been stirring in my brain for a little while now (Wednesdays, when I'm on the bus, seem to be the days that I get the most thinking/tinkering done.) The story has changed over the past 3 Wednesdays pretty radically.
And it occurred to me today, that the thing that has me stuck is that I'm trying to (still, all in my mind) get the story to work around certain plot points, rather than just letting it flow naturally. I'm like, "Okay. I need X and Z to happen... how can I make it get there from A and B?... Well, what if I get there from C and D? No... what about trying to go from A and E?" and so on.
The bad thing about doing things this way is, obviously, it keeps me from actually writing. So long as I'm still trying to get it perfect in my mind, I'm too scared to get it out on paper (or screen), so I've got that excuse to lean on.
The other bad thing is that it's just frustrating to know that I really want these plot points to happen and I can't figure out a logical way of doing it. Work better, brain!!

Anyway, the point of this section is twofold. Or three. Or ten. The point is this:
My wife is awesome, and I thank her for being who she is, and for loving who I am.
And I will write again.
(okay, that was only two points. I'm UTP@, so that's my excuse for any ......incoherency.)

Moving on.

About a year ago, I was walking to the bus stop near work and was approached by a man wearing a fast-food uniform. He asked me for some money, after explaining that he was a manager at said restaurant, and that he only needed money because he was on his way to work and his car had broken down.
The story seemed suspicious at the time, but I didn't have any cash anyway, so I couldn't help him out.

However, several weeks later, I was approached by the same man...wearing a different uniform, but giving the same sob story. "My car broke down, and I'm on my way to work. Do you have any change?"

Jump to today. One of my coworkers was approached by a guy claiming to work at the Fatburger up the road, and his car had broken down...

Now. Either this guy has the worst luck possible when it comes to cars (and keeping a job), or (and I thought this idea up when I was telling Steph about it) he's living his own personal Groundhog Day! So everyday he is on his way to work when his car breaks down and he needs to get some money. (Why his job location would change each time isn't clear, but the Universe is a strange place.) either way, I wish the guy well and hope he is able to get whatever it is he needs.

Last point!

The wind outside has been superbly powerful tonight. Gusts have been up near 50mph, and it's rather creepy sounding.
Earlier this evening I was playing Super Mario Galaxy (for the first time in about two weeks. I'm nearly done with the whole game, but want to complete it...completely for completion's sake.) The galaxy I was on was "Purple Coins on the Summit", wherein the goal is to travel around the world collecting purple coins, of which there are 100.
(I've attempted this galaxy before, and died with 99. Frustrating! That long jump off the summit top was where I failed the previous time)
So, I'm going along, and I actually did the long jump off the summit, and I have 92 of the 100 coins... and the power goes out in the house.

Mama mia!!


Anonymous said...

I love the fast food guy story. There are so many possibilities!

Simon said...

Oh, Pat. That's bad timing on the power situation. Still, what can be done once can be done again. Oh yes.

Amy said...

Hooray for most of those things!

CosmicAvatar said...

Nooooes! How annoying!