Tuesday, November 19, 2002

I'm in a bad mood. I mean, I'm a bad mod. Or both. Yes.

First things first.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Bastard.

remember when I wanted to be a robot? (scroll down, if not) Well.

So many thoughts.

I'll get to WD things later, since they're the things troubling me most. [doh2]

We went to do laundry today. And despite the fact that I did not want to go to Shuffle-man's laundromat, we did anyway. It's weird how I *completely* despise this man, for no real reason other than he's old and creepy. Which, okay, is a good reason, but you'd think there'd be more. And so today, oddly enough, I found out a little more about him.

The guy lives there (or so I assume. I'm fairly safe in that assumption, that he owns the place, and most likely either sleeps there, or very close by) but today he approached Steph and I while we were folding the laundry (I was folding it wrongly, but that's another story.), and he asked where the bathroom was.

the poor creepy guy is senile. [frown]

So I think maybe part of why I freakin' hate the guy is because he's like looking 80 (or 800??) years into my future. [shudder]

We went Xmas shopping today as well. Or Xmas window shopping, I suppose, since we didn't buy anything for the girls (or anyone else [doh2]) but just did a lot of looking and saying, "Wow. If we had money..."
You remember the magic 8 balls from our youth? Well, now they've got a Talking Yoda version. The doll is about a foot tall, and looks like the Jedi Master. You squeeze his hand, and that activates him. He tells you to 'concentrate and feel the Force.' and then to ask him a 'yes' or 'no' question, and squeeze his hand again, and he answers you.
It was rather freaky. At first all his responses were saying how "the Dark Side was clouding his judgement" (ie "Ask again later"), so then I asked if he ever gave straight answers, and his reply was "Yes." [shocked]
After that, all his replies were in the affirmitave. So then I asked, "Is 'yes' all you say?"
"Simply answer you ask, the answer is 'no'."
Hee. Even fake Yoda is a wise Yoda.

Carrow's has crappy food.

At the laundromat (it's good to dwell. Makes me forget about the board.), a homeless guy came in and started "playing" with the video games. Mrs. Shuffle-man shooed him out. Which was amusing, and also a little sad. I always feel a little sad for homeless people. Got the whole 'I can relate' vibe going on, I guess. Plus, I know how fragile our 'secure' worlds can be. [sigh]

Dinner was Taco Bell. (because, you know, it was there, and, hey, savings?? What's that?)

On the way home, I somehow made Steph laugh until her head exploded. It wasn't pretty. And the worst part was that we had just washed the clothes.

Got home around 10 to 8, then watched Buffy. I didn't cry at the end, but I came awfully close. And normally decapitation is a funny thing.

After Buffy ended, I played a game w/ Saren until her bedtime. It was fun. I love board games. It'll be great when the girls are older and can play the more complicated games. We have a box of Yloponom that still hasnt been opened. [doh2]
Steph went on the computer, and she made a really nice entry about me.
I put Saren to bed, and we talked about Buffy and Angel (how warped is it that that's what we bond over?), and then when I grew tired of that (who knew that could happen??) and told her it was time to go to sleep, she started kicking and having a tantrum. So I left, and now Stephanie is in there with her. I'm such a wonderful father. [rolleyes]

And right now, I think I'm going to turn off the computer. I've been thinking about the whole mess at the Board, and the thought that keeps coming back to me is to simply ask to be deleted from the database. Cuz, you know, running from your problems is what I excel at.

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