Saturday, May 03, 2008

This day in history

Went back through my old journals. Here's what happened on 5/3 throughout the years...

So you want my stord story. It's not that unusual of a tale, but it is a remarkable one, nonetheless. It begins, as all good stories do, with

The End.


I need to start a good story. This is the problem. I'm unmotivated.
I just suck at writing.
It's hot in here. Time for sleep. 5-3-98 10:22pm [607days]

Mulan was pretty good. I'd give it a 7 or an 8. Maybe an 8.5.
We're 1/2 way = maybe less- thru "The Opposite of Sex" w/ Christinia Ricci. It's a comedrama, and it's funny. But it's stuff you shouldn't laugh at, but do anyway. It has (so far) no redeemable characters, but I still like them. It's weird. Good writing/acting/directing, I suppose.
Steph's back feels a lot better. Whic his good.
I have to work traffic tomorrow. Bad.
Tomorrow is the birthday of both my dad and Cyndee. Small world.
Speaking of small worlds, I re-introduced Cassie into my little universe today. And oddly enough, it was by chance. As I was driving home, I stopped at a red light. The car in front of me suddenly poked out a female head - Cassie.
"Hey, Pat!" she yelled.
I rolled down my window, poked out my head, waved back, "Hi!"
When the light turned green we drove, pulled over to the shoulder & got out and talked for a few minutes (I was giving Troy a ride home, she was going to pick up one of her stepdaughters from school, so we had to make it brief). Got her #, and that was that.
Again, small world.
I made dinner tonight. Chicken & spaghetti. It was bad, but ya gotta eat, even if it's crap.
Saren is takin' a nap bath. Now she's brushing her teeth. We Steph cleaned & baby-proofed the guest bathroom, so Saren can go in there and use the potty as she deems necessary. She's growing up so fast.
It isn't fair.
A naked baby just blurred past me. I gotta go. 8:32p 5-3-99

Again with the short entry. I thought those days were behind me - obviously not. Went back to work today - it sucked. Apparently nobody covered my shift yesterday so a whole lotta crap was left to do plus today's crap.
Jared was carjacked a few days back! I guess some guys got into his car, pointed a gun at him & told him to drive. They saw someone walking. They grabbed him, beat him up & took his money, then got out of Jared's car. Jared leads the strangest life sometimes.
Well, I guess I'll go get in bed now.
I want a computer. 5-3 11:30pm

Would I be excused for not writing today since I'm sick as a dog? Well, now I don't have to put it to the test. I called in today. Spidermeh was average. I'm so hot I can't stand it.

Stephanie moved the world map into the living room, where we have placed all our postcards around it, and put stickers on the places we've received postcards from. Man, that sentence was unweildy. Unwieldy? Gah. Why do I keep saying things I don't know if I mean?

Anywhat, not much to blog about. We went to the library yesterday, and I checked out My Story by Marilyn Monroe. Research! I also got the 2-disc Oingo Boingo Anthology CD. ...Except that it only has one disc. Doh.
But it was quite fun to dance around in the living room today. The girls had a fun time too. I think Stephanie was simply glad that nobody else was able to see it. (My dancing is ...something else.)

I'm nearly done reading The Culture of Make Believe. I wish I had something else in store to read once I'm finished. Nothing really seems to grab me anymore.

Ooh! Email!

Of the 15 or 23 people who read my blog, the following will only be of interest to maybe 4 or 8 of you. Yep, I'm talking Lost.

It's not a fully developed theory, and I don't know how much of it I buy myself, but ever since the seed of the idea came into my mind (sometime after "Catch 22" aired), it's been growing.

Spoilers for season 3 up through at least "The Brig" are below:

What if Smokezilla is God?
Not exactly the God of the Bible, but still, an omnipotent judging....being.

In Neil Gaiman's books, gods fade out of existence if people stop having faith in them. I really like the idea that god(s) have to survive on faith. What if that is what the island's security system has to live off of as well?

My island time line would go something like this: First, Dharma arrives on the island, and they either discover Smokezilla or create it. Either way, they start to worship it, maybe. And for a while, Smokezilla lives on a strict diet of Otherosity. That is the only "religion" that it knows, and everything is hunky-dory.

Then, Danielle and her crew show up on the island, and accidentally (?) cause an illness that kills pregnant women on the island.

Now, the Others have to start recruiting people to get to the island.

Somewhere along the way, Smoke(God)zilla learns that there are other faiths. So, since it wants to learn more about them, it begins to bring people of different faiths to the island - Desmond was a monk, Eko was a priest (actually Yemi was, and it brought Yemi there first), Jack has faith in science, John has faith the island (which might be why the Others think he's "special"). Maybe the Island/Smokey/God is looking for a religion that it can call it's own. Maybe God is Lost, and wants to be Found.

Eh. Like I said, not a fully fleshed out theory, and I can confidently say that I would be floored if the show did go in this direction, but if it does, remember that you heard it here first. :)

It's evident to me that based on my past writings I am not a television show, because the stuff I write during "sweeps" is most certainly not my best. :P
It is funny (or sad, depending) how over the course of ten years I was:
starting various stories (and not finishing them)
complaining about work
sick during the month of May
marveling about how quickly the girls were growing up
theorizing on television shows

The more things change...

1 comment:

CosmicAvatar said...

Interesting Lost theory, dude! I've got... well, nothing, actually.