Monday, May 05, 2008

Cayenne pepper induced wackiness

Still suffereing from the sore throat from hell. It's been one week now, and despite the fact that it ebbs and flows (and was completely gone this morning around 12-2am [I could swallow again! It was heavenly!]), it hasn't entirely left my body yet. So, today, I decided to look up some home remedies online, and read all about how cayenne pepper being gargled is supposed to be a great fixer-upper.

Once I got home, I tried a little bit, and found myself weaving in and out of consciousness on the couch as it did it's magic. (Verdict seems to be that it is much less severe right now than earlier in the day, but still not the panacea that the website people made it out to be)

Anyway. During my semi-sleeping-state, I had some thoughts/dreams/story ideas, and will now share a little bit of them:

Her final words were, "Do females have souls? I have the eggs!" - the banshee then evaporated.


Let me tell you, once you're turned, you know it's just a matter of time before you're discovered. And when that happens, you better be prepared to kill the unfortunate soul that has found out your secret.


Vampire strung upside down in a snare-trap [see I Am Legend]. Hunter guy approaches and angrily asks, "How many? How many did you kill?"
The vamp growls something inaudible and adds, "Plus one." and way too quickly springs itself out of the trap, disemboweling the hunter guy all in a blink of an eye.


...and there were some other dreams/thoughts about Barack Obama that I can't remember now. I don't think that he's a vampire, though.


Amy said...

I would vote for Barack Obama if he were a vampire.

P@ said...

Well, I'm fairly certain that John McCain is a zombie of some sort...