Thursday, January 24, 2008

Who knows when this will actually be posted, but for whatever it's worth, I am not failing the 'blog every other day' challenge I imposed on myself. Well, I mean, I am. Or did. (Ugh. Time travel) But it wasn't my fault. It was due to the lack of internet access on the 24th (and beyond?) that this message that I am now typing (on the 24th) was not posted on my weblog.

If I could have, I totally would have. Of course, it would have been a very different blog post, but what is, is.

Here's an ironic thing - even on the day that I am blogging by not blogging, I waited until I was too tired to really do it. Some things never change, huh?

So, I'm writing this out on WordPad, in hopes that whenever our internet connection is reestablished, that I will copy it over into my blog and post-date it to reflect the time that it was written, rather than when it was posted.
And, it's a little bit after 9pm, which is generally when I start to feel tired, and, of course, I am. Eh.

Let's see. What to tlak about? I saw Cloverfield yesterday, but I'm going to save movie talk for month's end. (I think that I'll have a movie-seen-this-month entry each month, along with keeping track on the sidebar with links to the imdb entry)
I do have a lot to say about it, though. (How interesting it is remains to be seen.)

I guess that this will be my entry. Because my brain isn't really functioning on a high enough level to compose anything further that is... you know, logical. 9:19pm, on 1/24/08

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