Friday, September 10, 2004

Ever since we said it, he went and took the credit


So, yeah. I know that Ape10 has like five fans, but I wanted to let them all know that if the new episode (entitled The Boy Who Cried Lion) isn't up by midnight tonight, not to worry. It will be up soon after. Also, I think once 2004 is done, I will not post new eps on the 10th. Not to worry, the adventures of Ape10, Zombielyn, Spark, and the others will continue - at least one new one a month - but having a deadline is stressful, and I'm attempting to live my life wherein I make decisions that result in less stress.

In somewhat related news, I'm testing this out...Bah. It didn't work. Either time. That's ...quite disappointing, actually. Oh well. Back to the drawing board. [/self-amusement]

Lastly, and completely unrelated to anything I've been talking about, anyone ever have a crisis (or crises) of faith? [sigh]


Annika said...

Hee. I was just going to send you a PM like, "Dude! It's the 10th! Where is my Ape 10?" But I guess I will be patient instead.

As for crises of faith, I never had any to begin with. Unless you mean the non-religious variety, in which case I'll get back to you.

Simon said...

Hoorah! I am one of the Famous Five!

Also, I regularly have crises of faith. Mostly in myself - the religious beliefs seem fixed now.

P@ said...

Annika - you could still PM me, you know. ;)

Also, yes, I meant the non-religious type of crisis.

And lastly, when I said Ape10 would be up "soon after" the 10th, I meant in a day or two. Just so ya's know.

Amy said...

I think I have had a crisis of faith? It wasn't cool, whatever it was.

Eileen said...

Where is the rest of Ape10? Do you have them all kept in a special place, or is it just a case of scrolling back to read the rest? I need to catch up on the last three months and your blog's all changed!

P@ said...

Eileen, all of Ape10's epsiodes can be found at

Um. Except for the latest one, which is still not up.[/shame at my extreme procrastination]