Sunday, September 26, 2004

Blanket of my existence

So I watched Angel episode 1.09 (Hero) today, and I got goosebumps. I didn't the first time I watched it, but this time, even though I knew Doyle was gonna sacrifice himself, the music, and the hackneyed speeches got to me. Perhaps it was partly due to the knowledge that Glenn Quinn's real life ended shortly (relatively) thereafter, but I think mostly it's because I'm such a sap.

The girls are taking turns showing movies. Currently "Zombies: The First Movie" is airing. Sample dialog:

"Now for my super power, which I just made up!"
"You wanna piece of me?" "You wanna battle? Battle like never before?"

It's quite moving, actually.

I need a better computer, so that's I can download stuff. I miss our songs, damnit. All of our beautiful, illegally downloaded songs!!

Didn't brush the fro today, so it is bushtastic right now. Go team nature!

They should totally make waterproof computers, because I really do my best blogging in the shower.

My face itches.

I'm quite relieved that I don't work today. Yesterday resulted in a massive headache, all due to football.

Brains, I have determined, are the weirdest things ever.


Jess said...

I want a waterproof computer too, because I keep spilling my drinks on it. Blech.

Lucas said...

I like Hero too. I too live in sap-land.

You know what's wierder than brains? Knuckles. Just odd.

Simon said...

I am with you on the need for better and waterproof computers. Let us stride forth and break the technological barrier!

Lisa said...

Don't we have waterproof computers yet? Oh. I'm all disappointed now.