Monday, August 23, 2004

Wetuwn, Bo-bah-ho!!

I couldn't (can't) sleep.

I'm sure that the fact that I had a 44oz. pepsi today (after refraining from the nectar for the past 5 days) had nothing to do with that. [rolleyes] I really ought to cut soda out of my diet completely. [sigh] Someday.

Went to the park today, and while watching the ants, i was able to come up with a question for the monthly boq. Hooray! I would go into detail right now, but feel that that would take away from when i post the question. you'll know it when you see it, i suspect.

Man, the internet at night is dull! I mean, nobody's blogging, nobody's online to tlak to me, even the DerJen folks are silent (and they can talk!).

I've been thinking about trying to recontact my mother. We've not spoken in...well, it's been a while. She has never (as far as i know) even seen pictures of Saren or Harper. Heck, she might not even know they exist. Some part of me thinks that should be remedied. "Remedied" looks wrong. Meh. Too lazy to spell chekc it.

Library tomorrow (technically today)! Hopefully i will find something that grabs my interest. I still have the recommendation that Jess gave me several months back to check out (they never have it in!!), so there's that option. Otherwise, i got nuthin'. I'm sure i'll find some cd or dvd to pick up, but i'll be amazed if i am able to locate a book that I can get through. W'll see.

I like the commenting feature that blogger has, but it would be even nicer if when you get the email notification, it told you what entry it was in. Like Blurty does. Oh well. Maybe some uppity-up at bloggerco will see this and make some changes. Or not.

i suppose i should get some sleep. i'm not exactly tired, not exactly wired, but somewhere inbetween.


Jess said...

'Remedied' is correct. Are you out of touch with your mother out of apathy or antipathy?

I'll always be happy to think of some book recommendation. (Or you could go to my huge-ass blog entry and find something that sounds interesting.) You have read His Dark Materials, right?

Movable Type does what you said you wanted blogger to do. I haven't used blogger since before it had built-in comments to I can't make an up to date comparison, but MT has more functionality but is more difficult to tweak. It requires mad web skillz, or a husband with them who likes to tweak your website while he's at work.

Amanda said...

Huh. My friend Todd (who started a blog, but hasn't posted since April) wrote his last entry about the His Dark Materials series.

His review.

Simon said...

On the other hand, you could try and emulate Dave - caffeine no longer affects him. Andy and I theorise that he's grown a caffeine gland, much like Fry has a Slurm gland on the DVD box for Futurama Season 4.

P@ said...

Are you out of touch with your mother out of apathy or antipathy?Yes.

It's ...complicated. Mostly apathy, though. On both of our parts. Which helps breed the antipathy on my side. (It's the (immature??) feeling of "Why isn't she putting forth an effort to contact me?")

I've started His Dark Materials, but (surprise!) couldn't finish the first one. Perhaps I'll give it another shot.

And ironies of irony, none of these comments came through my email notification. [rolleyes] See what happens when you complain?