Friday, August 13, 2004

"Surreal" isn't the right word, but it's the first one that comes to mind.

I'm reading Choke by Chuck Palahniuk (author of Fight Club) right now.

Yesterday, while at work, I recieved news that an old semi-acquiantence/coworker had died.

There was a brilliantly awesome lightning storm on the drive home last night.

Cox Cable has been sending our bills to a P.O. Box in Minnesota for the past 7 months.

I "came out" as an anarchist on the WD, nobody seemed to have noticed. Huh.

This is a Friday the 13th. Wonder what treasures it's gonna hold.


Simon said...

I first read that as "Chloe by Chuck Palahniuk".

Annika said...

Well, I noticed.

Mindi Scott said...

I think people may have thought you were joking about the anarchist thing.

Jess said...

I have Choke on my reading list. Is it any good? (Given that I liked both book and film of Fight Club.)

I noticed your "coming out," but since I'm neither surprised nor the kind of person to pick a gratuitous argument, there didn't seem to be anything to say. I know someone whose mother bought him a cake and some champagne when he came out; would that be appropriate? ;)

Cox Cable were at least good for a laugh, right?

Meghan said...

Yes, but I see you as the "thinking man's" anarchist.

P@ said...

I thought that it might've come across as a joke. I also considered using my more 'mainstream' political campaign, but the truth won out. (The mainstream campaign is quite funny, and would most likely be more fitting for the WD Presidential Race threads, but what's done is done, and there's no going back. [um...unless you edit your posts])

Anywhat, I was really just surprised that it didn't warrant a bigger 'debate' (ie the "What's so great about civilization" yahoo group). All in good time, I suppose.

Jess - I finished Choke today, and I recommend it, especially since you enjoyed Fight Club. I have yet to read FC, but I liked the movie, and the book is very much in the same vein. Warning: Bits of Choke are extremely misogynistic. But, then, I suppose, so are bits of Fight Club.

Amanda said...

Maybe they thought you said "anti-christ".