Sunday, April 27, 2003

Bloody hell.

So I was washing the dishes today, and somehow, while I was holding a glass, it broke, and I sliced my right pinky finger open.

It's all bandaged up, and between the throbbing and the coldness (from the lack of blood flow), it's actually kinda cool. It's been a while since I've been injured and now I can milk this for all it's worth. Plus, it gives me the chance to steal some supplies from the First Aid kit here at work.

The cut itself was pretty deep, and right next to a vein, so there was quite a bit of blood. Maybe I'm just weird, but the whole thing was rather interesting to watch. Saren didn't like it, though. She was concerned about my safety and was saying stuff like, "I hope your cut goes away soon." She's such a good person. She must've inherited it from Steph.

Oh. And I've (obviously) broken my self-imposed internet restriction. At least for now. In another 10 minutes or so, I'll be off to watch Smallville. (dork.)

OOH! And I had a Buffy dream! But I won't bore you with the details.

I guess that's everything. I shall leave you with these words of wisdom from Supertramp, which have been in my head since earlier today:

Right, right, you're bloody well right....

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