Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Over worked brain

Just pretend this is part of the other post.

Or maybe I'll just delete that first one, since it was a non-post as it was.


Today was a strange day at work.

And...huh. Now that I'm going to sit down to type it out, I find that I don't want to talk about it. Smooth move, ex-lax. (heh.)

Let's see. What to talk about instead?

When I was a teenager, back in the days before caller ID [god, i'm old], my friends and I would spend a lot of our time making prank phone calls. One that was particularly amusing was when we would call up a fast food restaurant (it was KFC, if I remember correctly), ask for a manager, and then when the manager got on the phone, attempt to make a reservation.
Good times, man.

Eh. I still have my headache.


Amy said...

Dude, that's genius.

Meghan said...

And...huh. Now that I'm going to sit down to type it out, I find that I don't want to talk about it.

I feel like that every time I write a post... hence, nothing I write was what I was originally going to write about.

It's strange to think back to those days before caller ID. It's about the same time cell phones were the size of Yugo.