Wednesday, May 30, 2007



Script Frenzy is beginning in just a few daze, and I *still* haven't signed up/decided whether i'm gunna attempt it.
I wood say that my reluctance is probably my answer. I am intrigued by the idea, but, 4 whatever reason, I am just not motivated to write anything right now. And it's not (entirely) from lack of ideas.
In fact, part of the problem is I can't chews which idea 2 run with.

Witch idea is most appealing?

1) The Perth story
2) The Paul Washington story
3) The 5th go at Wolf - which would be, yet again, slightly different than the first 4 drafts...
4) An idea which has been brewing in my head for about two or three weeks now (where does the time go??) that I would nutshell as: Lost in the supermarket - literally. A grocery store (or most of it) and the random people inside (or most of them) get accidentally (or on purpose?) transported to an alien planet. (Unlike Lost, I'd be totally embracing the scifi elements.)

The problem with #4 (qnd all of the stories, really, but #4 is the worst offender since it's the newest) is that I don't have all the characters (or any) sketched out, and I don't haave any clue how it'll end up. I have, at best, a kernel of an idea. Concept alone does not equal good story.

I toyed with the idea of making a blog entry (and/or post on the WD) looking for characters to populate my stories - in particular #4's supermarket. I figured getting a rough character sketch from a wide array of people would, if nothing else, spark my imagination some. But, really, that's kinda asking people to do the work for me. Sorta.
That being said - if you've got any character names/identities/traits/whathaveyou that you'd think would make for interesting reading about - especially when put into the supremely bizarre situation from any of my stories - I'm listening...

*side note/digression/funny thought on "collaborating"* - it's called "Script Frenzy", not "Script Friendsy"

I don't know. I think, as per usual, the big hangup I have is fear. I've never written a screenplay before, and while I've looked at the SF's essay on doing it, and it looks easy enough once you get the hang of it ...I'm still unsure of myself and my abilities.


Amy said...

Dude, I was just going to email you about the Paul Washington story, and I was going to tell you about the things I had been thinking about doing with it.

Would you want me to do that? I totally could! I really love that story.

Oh, also, I have "Story" by Robert McKee, which I have a hard crush on, so if you wanted me to ... call you up and quote the book? I could ... do that?

Or you could not listen to me at all, which is probably your best bet.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Is your concern the story (which one, plotting it out, the characters) or the screenplay format? I'm going to guess the answer is "yes" but if it's just (or mostly) the screenplay format, do not let that stop you! First of all, you can write it however you want and fix it later; second of all, I can help.

Meghan said...

Reluctance be damned.

You can always change things later... so don't mire yourself down trying to get it perfect. Every story is a rough draft.

I want to know what happens in the Paul Washington story.

P@ said...

Thanks everyone. I've signed up, and, Annika, I will most definitely take you up on that offer. (If nothing else, just so you can give me feedback on the story. As for which story that's going to be...I still don't know.)

Anonymous said...

I'm throwing in a belated vote for the Perth story. Did you expect anything else?

Look! Inspiration:

Of sorts ... actually, a lot of that is about how utterly crap Perth is. Still, it may help.
