Friday, February 21, 2003

Much of this might not make sense. [/forewarning]

Gah. No tools. And no blocks, either. Pity. Maybe I'll do some more searching tomorrow.

Why is everyone else so much smarter than I am? I read other people's blogs, and I'm just in awe. And I don't leave messages because I really have nothing intelligent to add. I feel bad. I want to say things to Del or starshine or Jess or Beth or anyone else who I "stalk", but I open up the messenger-dealio and then sit there going, "a-durh" Bah. Maybe I'll just start adding completely pointless messages that have nothing to do with anything. That will win me friends. [rolleyes]

It's all about winning. And popularity.

The wrong person went to Hell. It's not fair.

My throat is developing a bit of a tickle. I'm not exactly fond of this development.

So, I finally won Buffy the Vampire Slayer the Board Game!! I discovered the secret to my winning.

Play against a five year old. [smile]

Although Saren said that next time we play, she wants to be evil.

As stated in my "description", I'm growing tired of changing it with each entry. (It's difficult to come up with something witty 24/7) So, feel free to toss around any descriptions you think would be apropos for this little blog. The winner will get ...well, the reward of seeing their suggestion used by yours truly.

Gargoyles was a pretty decent show. Saren's totally into it. I think that it has a lot of simliarities to Angel, but I'm too tired to type them out right now.

No, she wasn't. But that's just my opinion.

I need to follow that link.

Ooh! Speakign of links, I need to make my blog more ...linky. I want to have a list of links on the side, such as Soupy and Beth have. ...I've got link envy. [wink]
Maybe later. I think for now I'm going to go watch Ebert & Roeper. They're reviewing (among other things) The Life of David Gale, which is one of those movies that I really want to see (because of the spots for it), but will probably only end up ever seeing the spots. And the review.

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