Friday, July 18, 2008

Just another blog entry

Today is the 200th day of 2008. Can you believe that crap? Whazup with the time going all superfast, dude?

Anyway. That makes this the 101st entry of the year. (What with the extra post due to getting all zombiefied)
I had thoughts of writing a short story (basically the Famous & Dead story, just...bare bones version) but I feel as though I don't have time to do it justice. And that if I started it, I wouldn't be able to wrap it up. And then it would just be another story that I've begun, and not finished. So, the thinking goes, better to not start it at all. Right? And ohmyblog, this is so freaking boring.

The Dark Knight opens today, but I don't think I'll get a chance to see it until... well, hopefully sometime early next week. Which means spending the next...however long avoiding spoilers.

Everyone reading this already knows about Dr Horrible, but I'll preach to the choir regardless. It's very very enjoyable. Very quotable and funny ("Wow. Sarcasm. That's original!" "I thought I was going to end up with Bait, but..." and of course, "These are not the Hammer."). Very catchy songs, too. Yesterday I had the "Freeze Ray Song" stuck in my head for most of the day, and today I've found myself periodically humming, "A Man's Gotta Do". I can not wait to see if Part 3 maintains the quality...but I guess I have to. But only a few more hours.

I'm hungry.

Took Saren to the eye doctorb yesterday. So, that's out of the way. Her new glasses should be in on either Monday or Tuesday. Hooray! Vision rules.

It's totally not Terrible Twos. It's Terrible Threes.


Need to watch Capote, XXX, and disc 5 of Season 4 of Buffy. That's a lot of watching.

I was rereading the Phoenix/Jen story, and I'm alternately enthralled and disgusted. Parts of it show a lot of promise. But the flaws that I already knew about are uglier than ever, and I'm seeing new ones upon each reread. [sigh] I know, that's why it's called a draft and there is no way it can be perfect on go 1, but... actually I don't have a way to finish that sentence. Hopefully this weekend I'll get a chance to start working on it again. Honestly, I really just want to have a complete draft in hand, even if it is completely unpolished and raw, I just want to have it there, ya know?


Anonymous said...

Heee..."These are not the hammer." I loved it and then when he came back in to say what the hammer was, I sucked Coca-Cola down my windpipe.

I'm anxious to see what you think about Capote. I loved it and Hoffman's portrayal. I have an interesting personal story about someone involved in the "In Cold Blood" murders. I don't want to do anything spoilery here. So remind me to tell you after you've seen the movie.

BTW, my favorite made-up word came from Philip Seymour Hoffman in "Along came Polly." The word is "shart" and I use it all the time, mostly because it's very handy and somewhat accusatory at the same time.

Anonymous said...

"Everyone reading this already knows about Dr Horrible"

Um, no. I have no clue what that even is..


P@ said...

"Dr Horrible's Sing-a-long-Blog" is a musical featuring Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Patricia Day. It was developed by Joss Whedon, and was available for free on the website for a few days last week. It came out in 3 separate 15 minute acts. It's apparently available for download from iTunes, but it costs money to do that. And supposedly they will be issuing a DVD at some point later.
Since it was a Mutant Enemy/Joss Whedon creation, though, the first two acts were amazing, and then act 3 came along which turned everything to shit. (Yeah, I'm a little bitter.)
All in all you're probably better off having not heard of it.

I've not read In Cold Blood, but I am pretty interested in doing so. And that's a pretty cool story. I feel bad for the guy. (Um. The guy you knew. As for Capote himself, I didn't like him at all based on what I saw of him in the movie.)

Kirk said...

Thanks, P@.

Also, agreeing w/ comment on In Cold Blood. It's really a book everyone should read (I know, like I'm one to talk). It's sort of the Citizen Kane of the true crime genre.

For me, having read it both helped and hurt the movie Capote. Helped, in that I knew all the context and background going in. Hurt, in that the story of Capote writing the book, while a good one, can't help but pale in comparison to the story of Perry Smith & Dick Hickock.