Thursday, May 20, 2004

Angel, briefly.

Min asked in her Blurty why people aren't talking about Angel. Personally, the reason I've been not, is because I want to wait until the WD is back up. But, I must speak of it! So, here are a few of my trademark incoherent thoughts on the matter. Yay!
[Being spoiler for -Not Fade Away highlight to view]Wow. It's actually over.

And everyone (except Lorne, Harmony, Connor, and Eve) died. Whoa. Just...whoa. And YAY! And

I knew Wesley was going to die. When, part way through the episode he and Angel exchanged that "look", and there was that music, I saw it coming.

When Connor was reintroduced, I had a momentary panic that he was going to be the one that was going to die, and I said to Steph, "If Connor is the one that dies, I will break the television." (I simply wouldn't stand for the final scene to be Angel losing his son - again.) Luckily, our television remains intact.

I don't know. I think the episode was best summed up by the demon Vail, talking about Wesley when he said - "How touching his meaningless death was."
The show was just that. Touching and meaningless.
[End spoiler]

Oh! One more thing!
[Being spoiler for -Not Not Fade Away, but sorta relates highlight to view]
"Thank you from your friends at the WB"
Your "friends"???
What the fuck?
What the FUCK??
That would be like the Senior Partners saying, "Hey, thanks Angel for all the good work you did!"
[End spoiler]

The best thing, though? My Wednesday nights are now TV free. The only shows I care about anymore are on Sunday. Ironically, I spend five other nights watching television for 8 hours.

"Goodnight, folks."

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