Monday, April 05, 2004

A three hour tour. A three. hour. tour.

We went to the library today, and I found Hybrids!! WOOO-MOTHERFUCKING-HOOO!! It's awesome to be "catching up" with Ponter and Mary. And Cornelius. Ugh. I've got a bad feeling about him. Bastard got what he deserved in Humans.
I'm already 60 pages in. Which is great, but at the same time, this is the third book in the trilogy, so when it's over, it's over.

In addition, the Steph spent her gift certificate at Borders. Mmm. Free-ish stuff. I won't say what she bought in case you want to guess and/or suggest things at her blog, but she's been engrossed in the book since we got home. I'm sure she'll make mention of it eventually. (Don't you love how I constantly try to get her to blog more? And how it never seems to work. It's endearing.)

Dinner was at Chili's (Baby Back Ribs ....barbecue sauce!!), and was sufficient.

Tomorrow the plan is to go to the movies to see Home on the Range with the girls. I think we'll make sure we miss the Twenty.

If you're asking yourself what "the Twenty" is, consider yourself lucky.

We just discovered what the Twenty was ourselves. When we went to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind last Sunday, we arrived rather early. About 25 minutes early, actually. For the first five minutes, there was nothing. No muzak, no slide show on the stage, nada. (I don't know about nonAmerican theaters, or theaters outside of Vegas, for that matter, but the movies here used to have slides before the trailers started, along with muzak. They were obnoxious, but at least it gave you something to watch while you waited. And the slides may have been irritating, but they were nothing in comparison to what they've been replaced by...)

At 20 minutes to showtime, a film started projecting on the screen. Steph and I looked rather puzzled - were they starting the previews now? That couldn't be right.

It wasn't.

Apparently they now have a prepackaged "movie" that starts twenty minutes before the trailers. It's called The Twenty (clever name, huh? I'd love to shoot the person who dreamt that one up.) and it is 20 excrutiating minutes of commercials.

They started with a five minute commercial for TNT. TNT, in case you were not aware, KNOWS drama. Because it's TNT. TNT! On TNT, there is drama. In the afternoon. That's when TNT KNOWS drama. On TNT. Where the drama is at. (It's on TNT.)

You get the idea.

After that was a longish plug for Fraiser, cuz I guess this is the final year for that sitcom or something.

Oh, and they had a Behind the Scenes of Van Helsing thing that was actually pretty interesting. But still mockable. Best quote came from some actress who is in the movie, talking about Hugh Jackman (Jackson? What's his name? I don't care about Hollywood people anymore) playing Van Helsing and how he is "Romantic, with a capital R. And that's pretty exciting."
To which I whispered to Steph, "...with a lower-case e."

But the best thing said during the Twenty was when they had a Coke commercial. (Yes, in-between the 'segments', they have commercials. Mostly for, but also Coca-Cola and other Coca-Cola made products.) Anywhat, the commercial had some woman - I'm assuming she's from American Idol, because that's where all singers come from now - who was walking down a street singing some updated version of I'd Like To Buy The World A Coke.

As she is walking, she reaches into her purse and hands bottles of Coca-Cola to passersby.

Steph leaned over and said, "Coke dealer."


After the final segment of the Twenty (a neverending sequence about Dr. Seuss stamps and The Cat in The Hat movie), they recapped it all.
Yes. They recapped the past twenty minutes again. In case you had forgotten what you had just fucking seen!

Ugh. Give me back the slides anyday.

AND THEN!! The previews - arguably the best part of going to the movies - start up, and those have commercials in them. Fuck me running, dude. I want to see commercials for movies, not for Nissan. Bastards.

In conclusion, it's 12:25, but it feels like it's only 10:30. Lousy Daylight Saving. I think it should be Spring Back, Fall Back. Or, maybe, we should just leave the clocks alone. Or better yet, toss them altogether.

Oh, and we rented Panic Room from the library as well. Don't spoil the movie for me!

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