Sunday, March 22, 2009

Haiku Review: Lost - Namaste

Maybe it was the
two week delay between eps,
but this was ...not great.

Granted, it was no
Stranger in a Strange Land, but
it was no Constant.

Anyway. On with
the show. Frank Lapidus pulls
a "Sully". Nice job!

Well, his co-pilot
might disagree, but you get
the point. (So does he!)

Ben leads Sun to some
outriggers. She thanks him with
an oar to the head.

Sun and Frank row, row,
row their boat to Craphole, where
Christian awaits them.

Meanwhile, in the past,
Jack, Kate and Hurley are brought
in as Dharma crew.

And Sayid is caught
by Radzinsky, who thinks he's
a Hostile/Other.

Sawyer locks him up
and in the end young Ben brings
Sayid a sandwich.


Amy said...

Well, his co-pilot
might disagree, but you get
the point. (So does he!)


Anonymous said...

I would watch LOST if it were told in haiku. in a way, I do watch LOST.