Friday, April 14, 2006

Friday Good

As opposed to Fire Bad.

I got to (heh "got to") leave work early today. 3pm! How white of them!

Today was one of those "why the hell are we here" days at work. Since the rest of the freaking world had the day off, it was slow as hell. I gotta say, I don't know what people in offices did before the internet.

You know what's crazy? I started this entry like two hours ago. And I have no idea what to say now. I believe that is what the Universe likes to call a sign. And that sign says, "You should not be writing at this time."

1 comment:

Amy said...

Dude, I was totally wondering why you were at work today.

The word verifications are getting a little odd lately. dqqexky? What is that, a recommendation of beer?